About the Library

The library is housed in an independent building within the College campus. This two-storied building has a good ambiance with proper lighting and space for consultation. Over 18,000 titles related to Forestry published by international publication houses are available for reference and are arranged as per the standard library practices for easy retrieval. A dedicated internet line has been installed to get access to more than 2000 free online journals from CeRA. Access to e-Resources through EZproxy service is provided to all the students and staff of the college.

Online journals are provided by the library which includes various National and International Journals in Forestry and Allied Sciences. A separate section for the thesis and reports is available to the students. Higher subscription rates for foreign journals coupled with budgetary constraints have resulted in a reduction in international journal subscriptions.

Moreover, the availability of CeRA with more than 2000 free online journals has made it easy access for students. The library provides facilities such as information retrieval through photo-copying of scientific articles and bibliographical compilations. It has a collection of Thesis related to Forestry research. A Wi-Fi facility with an internet connection is available to the students within the library premises.

The library is managed by an Assistant Librarian with a Library Assistant and a Processing Assistant. It is yet to be computerized. It is kept open from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm on weekdays except Sundays and up to 5:00 pm on Saturdays. A large number of visitors from other institutions located in Sirsi viz. M.M Arts and Science College, College of Horticulture, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Sirsi division visit the facility for consultations. Foreign visitors who are doing an internship on many ecological issues in the district regularly visit the library for consultations.

Resources of Library:

Books (Purchased) 15087
Books (Gifted) 1206
Books (Student Guidance Centre) 386
Books (SC/ST Text Book Bank) 211
Back Volumes 1869
Theses / Seminar Reports 266+ 488
Total Collection 19513
Scientific Journals 08 (Print & e-Journals)
A separate section of “Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s”  collection is maintained

Head of the Library:

Dr. Deepthi, Assistant Librarian, College of Forestry, Banavasi Road, Sirsi-581401 email: deepthih@uasd.in

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