PG Programmes in the Department
1 | BSc Forestry | 1997-98 |
2 | M.Sc.Forestry | 1997-98 |
3 | Ph.D. Forestry | 2015-16 |
Students admitted in last five years
Sl. No. | Course No. | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
1 | M.Sc. | 02 | 04 | 06 | 05 | 07 |
2 | Ph.D. | 02 | — | 02 | 03 | — |
![]() | Designation | : | Professor and Head |
Employee No | : | 12811 | |
Tel/Mobile No | : | 9844509752 | |
Email ID | : | / | |
Specialisation | : | Silviculture and Agroforestry | |
Dr. S. S. Inamati M.Sc. (For.), Ph.D (For.) | Area of interest | : | Forest tree nursery management, Vegetational studies, Tree crop interaction, Forest measurement |
Superannuation | : | 2039 | |
![]() | Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Employee No | : | 12844 | |
Tel/Mobile No | : | 8618643104 | |
Email ID | : | | |
Specialisation | : | Silviculture and Agroforestry | |
Dr.Ramesh Rathod M.Sc. (For.), Ph.D | Area of interest | : | Forest Nursery and Plantation Management, Industrial and Climate Smart Agroforestry, Bamboo cultivation, Biodiversity Assessment and development of Site specific Management plan, Eco restoration, Mangroves |
Superannuation | : | 2036 | |
![]() | Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Employee No | : | 13417 | |
Tel/Mobile No | : | 9482023466 | |
Email ID | : | | |
Specialisation | : | Silviculture and Agroforestry | |
Dr.Venkatesh L M.Sc. (Forestry)Ph.D | Area of interest | : | Agroforestry, Integrated farming system, tree crop management, value chain in agroforestry and forest nursery |
Superannuation | : | 2041 | |
![]() | Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Employee No | : | 13591 | |
Tel/Mobile No | : | 9900457081 | |
Email ID | : | | |
Specialisation | : | Agroforestry | |
Dr.Jagadeesh M. R. M.Sc. (Forestry)Ph.D | Area of interest | : | Agroforesrty, Restoration, landscape ecology and conservation of forest |
Superannuation | : |
Supporting Staff:
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Ramu Belgaum | Laboratory Assistant |
2 | Annappa Arer | Sr. Watchman |
B.Sc. Forestry (Hons.) Courses
Sl. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1 | SAF 101 | Introduction to Forestry | 2 (2+0) |
2 | SAF 102 | Principles of Silviculture | 3 (2+1) |
3 | SAF 103 | Introduction to Agronomy | 2 (1+1) |
4 | SAF 104 | Nursery Management | 2 (1+1) |
5 | SAF 105 | Climate Science | 3 (2+1) |
6 | SAF 201 | Forest Mensuration | 3 (2+1) |
7 | SAF 202 | Practices of Silviculture | 3 (2+1) |
8 | SAF 203 | Principles of Agroforestry | 2 (2+0) |
9 | SAF 204 | Silviculture of Indian Trees | 3 (2+1) |
10 | SAF 205 | Recreation Forestry, Urban Forestry and Ecotourism | 2 (1+1) |
11 | SAF 301 | Plantation Forestry | 3 (2+1) |
12 | SAF 302 | Dendroenergy and Alternate Energy Sources | 1 (1+0) |
13 | SAF 204 | Agroforestry Systems and Management | 3 (2+1) |
14 | SAF 303 | Restoration Ecology | 2 (1+1) |
15 | AST 101 | Statistical Methods & Experimental Designs | 3 (2+1) |
16 | AST 201 | Agricultural Informatics | 1 (0+1) |
Total | 38 (25+13) |
Experiential Learning Modules / Student Ready Programme offered
Sl. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1. | FEL 403 | Raising Quality Planting Materials for Forest Regeneration | 0+ 5 |
2. | SRP 401 | Placement with KFD and Plantation farmers | 0+5 |
M.Sc. Forestry Courses
Sl. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1 | SAF 501* | Silviculture | 2 + 1 |
2 | SAF 502* | Forest Biometry | 1 + 1 |
3 | SAF 503* | Silvicultural Practices | 1 + 1 |
4 | SAF 504* | Agroforestry Systems | 2 + 1 |
5 | SAF 505* | Interactions in Agroforestry Systems | 1 + 1 |
6 | SAF 506 | Modern Nursery Technology | 1 + 1 |
7 | SAF 507 | Plantation Forestry | 2 + 1 |
8 | SAF 508 | Industrial Agroforestry | 1 + 1 |
9 | SAF 509 | Climate Change and Conservation Silviculture | 2 + 0 |
10 | SAF 510 | Trees and Shrubs for Agroforestry | 1 + 1 |
11 | SAF 511 | Economics of Agroforestry Systems | 2 + 1 |
12 | SAF 512 | Tree Seed Technology | 2 + 1 |
13 | SAF 513 | Nutrient and Weed Management in Production Forestry | 2 + 1 |
14 | SAF 514 | Crops and Live Stock Management in Agroforestry | 2+0 |
Ph.D. Courses
Sl. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1 | SAF 601* | Quantitative Silviculture | 2+1 |
2 | SAF 602 | Agroforestry Research and Management | 2+0 |
3 | SAF 603 | Forest Stand Dynamics | 1+0 |
4 | SAF 604* | Productivity and Evaluation of Agroforestry Systems | 2+1 |
5 | SAF 605 | Forest Stand Management Techniques | 1+1 |
6 | SAF 606 | Agroforestry for Ecosystem Services and Environmental Benefits | 2+0 |
7 | SAF 607 | Plantation Forest Productivity | 1+1 |
8 | SAF 608 | Restoration Forestry | 1+0 |
9 | SAF 609 | Regeneration Silviculture | 2+1 |
10 | SAF 610 | Forest Soil Management | 1+1 |
11 | SAF 611 | Agroforestry for Sustainable Agriculture | 1+0 |
On going Externally funded adhoc Projects:
Sl No | Name of Adhoc Project | PI/Co-PI/Associate | Duration | Funding agency | Project Outlay | Objectives of Project | Expected Outcome |
1 | Demonstrating of Cashew based agroforestry systems in Uttara Kannada District | Venkatesh. L | One year | Directorate of Cashewnut and Cocoa Development Kochi, Kerala | Rs. 4,80,000 /- | To demonstrate cashew-based agroforestry systemsTo screening suitableintercrops under cashew-basedagroforestry systemTo evaluate the economics of cashew-based agroforestrysystem | |
2 | Emerging innovative avenues of Agroforestry-based entrepreneurship development for SC Communities of Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka | Venkatesh. L | Three years | Department of Science & Technology | Rs. 53,90,808 /- | To establish Community Nurseries and Seed Banks for Wild Tropical Fruits in the Central Western GhatsTo Establishing hi-tech nursery for agroforestry species in SC community dominant taluks of Uttara Kannada districtTraining cum demonstration on Fruit processing unit of major NTFPs of Uttara Kannada districtTo create employment opportunities through Bamboo based enterprises |
Major Projects completed(Last five years):
Sl No | Name of Adhoc Project | PI/Co-PI/ Associate | Du ration | Funding agency | Project Outlay | Objectives of Project | Major Outcome |
1 | Assessment of Plant Diversity and Prioritization of species Preferred by Lion Tail Macaque in Aghanashini Conservation Reserve | Dr. Jagadish M. R. | 2 years | GOK | 5 lakhs | ||
2 | Documentation, Assessment and Development of Biodiversity management Plan for A. Narrain Mines of Sesa Goa in Chitradurga District of Karnataka, India | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | 2 Year | SESA Sterlite Ltd. Goa | 21.84 lakh | To document and assess flora diversity in core and buffer zone of mining areas To document and assess fauna diversity in core and buffer zone of mining areas To develop suitable Biodiversity Management Plan | The floristic composition including trees, shrubs, climbers/liana and herbs with respect to the species of entire study area is represented by a total of 125 species under 102 genera and 47 families The diversity and richness indices of the study area revealed that the moderate diversity of a region with 3.83 and richness was 3.0 as per Shannon’s and richness index respectively. The evenness of the species was 79% in the area suggesting that not all the species are evenly distributed in the area. |
3 | Assessment of Floristic Composition, Structure and Canopy Cover of Forests in areas of Phanasawade Iron Ore Mine at Sindhudurga District of Maharashtra, India | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | DEMPO Mining Company, Goa state | 6.69 lakh | Study floristic composition and structure of iron ore mining site To assess canopy cover and find out the dominant plant species in iron ore mining site | The study reveals that trees having lower girth class between 30-50 cm, were the major life forms with 61% species, followed by herbs with 16%, climbers 15% and the least were shrubs with 8% in the study area. The trees have stunted growth and majority of them are between 30-50 cm girths. Trees in general have crooked and malformed stems and also thorny bushes mainly because of poor site and being of coppice origin. The major portion of the area was degraded with moderately closed canopy (42.3 – 58.2%) with southern block showing closed canopy with highest mean percent of 58.2%. The study area exhibits average canopy cover of 48.8%. | |
4 | Raising Quality Planting Material for Forest Regeneration | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | 2 year | ICAR | 62.50 lakh | To impart forest nursery management skills To produce quality planting materials for forest plantations | Establishment mist chamber, poly and shadenet houses, rain out shelter, seed pre-treatment platform, water storage and irrigation network. Imparting skills on nursery production. Production and marketing of quality planting materials |
5 | Development of sustainable technology for the production of anticancer chromone alkaloids, rohitukine and dysoline from Indian forest trees | Dr. Jagadish M. R. | 3 years | DBT, New Delhi | 29.42 lakhs | ||
6 | Integrated technological interventions to enhance the livelihood security and economic status of SC families of Uttara Kannada | Venkatesh. L | One year | ICAR-NIVEDI Bengaluru | Rs. 5,01,500 /- | To establish subsidiary income sources to SC farmers through improved backyard poultry farming, enhancing the milk production in dairy animals, honey bee farming, value addition to bamboo shoot, agarbatti making and introduction of Sandal and Bambusatulda based Agroforestry system in order to generating employment opportunities, gaining adequate knowledge with respect to grafting skill and intermittent income generation activities are more helpful for uplifting of SC dominated taluks of Uttara Kannada district |
Technologies Developed:(Last Five Years)
Sl. No. | Technology | Name of the Scientist |
This study helped to develop effective conservation strategy of these NTFP species | RavirajAthadkar Dr. S. S. Inamati 2018-19 | |
The study helped to develop appropriate management strategies to conserve and also to improve the status of fruit species in the reserve area | Varshith M Dr.M.R.Jagadish 2018-19 | |
Effect of seed source and tree to tree variation on germination success based on nursery studies inDysoxylumbinectariferum in Uttara Kannada district was done. Jog population was considered to be best source for large scale nursery production. | Shivakumar B H Dr.S. S. Inamati 2019-20 | |
The study identified a novel technology of increasing initial growth of Cinnamomumverum seedlings under elevated CO2 condition. This study has also standardized best nutrient combination along with CO2 enriched condition for better growth and biomass of nursery seedlings. | Rashmi R Dr.Jagadish M R 2019-20 | |
The study has identified best variety of finger millet under mahagoni based agroforestry system. The finger millet of MR1 and MR6 were considered to be a good variety of intercrop with mahagoni trees. | Vidya C Dr. S. S. Inamati 2019-20 | |
This study has standardized best seed pellatization technique for Xyliaxylocarpa and Gmelinaarborea under nursery condition. | VishwanathHundekarDr.K.S. Channabasappa 2019-20 | |
In the present investigation best seed maturity phase (red aril colour) was identified for Myristicadactylinoides to enhance germination and seedling growth at nursery stage. Recalcitrant seeds of the same species stored in room temperature was considered to be ideal method of extending its viability period. | Anusha Sanjay Revankar Dr. S. S. Inamati 2019-20 | |
This study also assessed carbon stock potentiality of different disturbed categories of Kaan forests. Study has also evaluated level of anthropogenic threats to different size-classes of kaan forests. | Chandan C S Dr.Jagadish M R 2020-21 | |
The different ginger variety performance was assessed and the variety Rio de Janerio was considered to be best ginger intercrop under this system. In the present study best mahagoni based agroforestry model along with ginger as an intercrop in transitional belt of Karnataka was developed. | ChetanRathod Dr.Jagadish M R 2020-21 | |
The study has standardized on ideal concentration of growth regulators to enhance survival and growth of branch cuttings in two bamboo species (Dedrocalamusstocksii and Dedrocalamus asper). The treatment IBA 3500 and 10 ppm ofComourin were considered to be best treatments. The study also assessed effect of potting media on growth of these bamboo species. The potting media containing soil, sand and vermicompost of 2:1:1 ratio was recommended for good growth of bamboo plants at nursery. | Jayashree ChikkmathDr.K.S.Channabasappa 2020-21 | |
The study has standardized best integrated nutrient management technology on growth of mahagoni plantation. The treatment combination of FYM(10t/ha)+NPK(50:100:50) kg/ha+Micronutrients (50g/plant) was considered to be better treatment for growth of mahagoni plantation. | NirwanSwapnil Dr. Raju L Chavan 2020-21 | |
Survey conducted to know the tree species diversity in urban land use spaces of Hubli-Dharwad. The study also estimated carbon stock potentiality of these urban land use species. | Shreyas R Dr.Jagadish M R 2020-21 | |
Best INM treatment combination of 75% RDF + Azospirillum (50g) + PSB(50g) + VAM (100g) to increase the overall yield of black pepper under coffee based agroforestry system and study has identified best INM treatment for the growth of silveroak. | ArshaRiyaz Dr. S. S. Inamati 2021-22 | |
The study has identified best clone of Casuarina CH5 (interspecific hybrid clone of Casuarina equisetifolia×Casurinajunghuhniana) in Belagavi region of Karnataka and also standardized best irrigation schedule and fertilizer treatments on the growth performance of different clones. | Divya S Kariyappanavar Dr.Ramesh Rathod 2021-22 | |
Documented agroforestry systems existing in transitional zone of Dharwad district. The study also documented the farmer’s perception for the adoption of agroforestry system. | Sushma C Meti Dr. S. S. Inamati 2021-22 | |
Study developed best INM treatment combination of 75% RDF + Azospirillum (50g) + PSB(50g) + VAM (100g) to increase the overall growth and yield of coffee under agroforestry system. This study has also identified best INM treatment for the growth of silveroak and black pepper. | Sourav N M Dr.SiddappaKannur 2021-22 | |
This study has assessed growth and carbon sequestration performance of various native species in newly established Miyawaki plantation in Dharwad. The study has also assessed faunal diversity in Miyawaki plantation. | SujanNaik Dr. Raju L Chavan 2021-22 | |
The study has standardized best fodder based agroforestry system, Calliandra calothyrus based agroforestry system is the best agroforestry system studied for Dharwad condition | Girish ShahapurmathDr.S.S.Inamati 2020-21 | |
The study has standardised best spacing of 4×3 m with the application of 200: 150: 150 NPK kg per ha + RMC 20 g per plant + FYM 10 ton per ha for higher growth and yield in Melia dubia plantation | Vasudev Lamani Dr. Raju L Chavan 2020-21 | |
The study developed mapping to assess the land use land cover map of Uttara Kannada district. This study also documented different agroforestry system existing in the district. In the questionnaire survey the study has documented farmers preferred tree species in the agroforestry system | ShahbaazNooriDr.S.S.Inamati 2021-2022 | |
The study has standardised best secondary host plant to enhance heartwood formation and oil content in sandalwood trees. The study has assessed the influence of locality factors on growth and carbon sequestration potential of sandal trees in agroforestry system. The study developed efficient integrated nutrient management technology on growth and development of sandal trees and its influence on soil properties on soil properties in agroforestry system. | Venkatesh L Dr. K. S. Channabasappa 2021-2022 | |
The study documented mahagoni based agroforestry system in the northern region of Karnataka. The standardized technology was developed to estimate productivity and carbon sequestration potential of mahagoni plantation. The performance of mahagoni and intercrops were assessed. This developed best crop combination with mahagoni. The study also evaluated economics of mahagoni based agroforestry system. | Akhilraj T M Dr.S.S.Inamati 2022-23 | |
This study evaluated the performance of various bamboo species under agroforestry system in transitional belt of Dharwad district. The study also compared performance of intercrops under bamboo based agroforestry system. This study also estimated the influence of felling intensity on growth and productivity of different bamboo species. | Divya Soman Dr. Raju L Chavan 2022-23 |
Technology demonstrated
Sl. No. | Technology demonstrated | Year |
1 | Macro-propagation techniques in Dendrocalamusstocksii(Marihal Bamboo)on bunds and boundaries of farm land: A additional source to the farm income | 2019-20 |
2 | Efficient utilization of betta lands through cultivation of TBO’s for sustainable land use | |
3 | Efficient utilization of betta lands through cultivation of NTEP’s for sustainable land use | |
4 | Efficient utilization of betta lands through cultivation of silvipastoral system for sustainable land use | |
5 | Evaluation of multipurpose trees (MPTs) as a pepper standers’ | |
6 | Demonstration on Ylang-Ylang based agroforestry system | 2021-22 2022-23 |
7 | Demonstration on medicinal plant-based agroforestry systems in Uttara Kannada district | |
8 | Cultivation of Dendrocalamusstocksii (Sheme bamboo) on bunds and boundaries of farm land: A additional source to the farm income | |
9 | Demonstration on cultivation of commercially important bamboo species on betta lands of Uttara Kannada district | |
10 | Demonstration on Gingerbased Silvi-horti system | |
11 | Demonstration on Silvi-pasture system on betta lands of Uttara Kannada district | 2022-23 |
12 | Evaluation of suitable mulch material for Arecanut plantation | 2022-23 |
Sl. No. | Name | Institute | Award | Year |
1 | Dr. S. S. Inamati | Agricultural and Environmental Technology Development Society, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand | Eminent Scientist award -2019 in International conference “Global perspective in Agriculture and applied sciences for food and environmental security (GAAFES-2019)”December 1-2, 2019Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand | 2019 |
2 | Dr. S. S. Inamati | European Union | Awarded Erasmus+ Programme fellowship to participate AdapNET workshop on climate smart agriculture in Italy & Greece. | 2019-20 |
3 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | UAS, Dharwad | University Award for Best NSS Programme Officer | 2012 |
4 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Govt. of Karnataka | State Award for Best NSS Programme Officer | 2015 |
5 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Astha Foundation | Young Scientist Award | 2016 |
6 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Govt. of India | District level I Place in Swachh Bharat Summer Internship | 2019 |
7 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Govt. Of India | Karnataka State Contingent leader of National Republic Day Parade camp- 2020 | 2020 |
8 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | DRASS | Excellence in Research award | 2020 |
9 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Govt. of India | State level II Place in Swachh Bharat Summer Internship | 2019 |
10 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Tourism Development Committee, Uttara Kannada | Member, Study Team to Assess Eco Sensitivity of Honnavar Eco Beach in the light of Blue Flag Certification Project District | 2019-20 |
11 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | CEE | National Controller, Blue Flag India | 2020 till date |
12 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Govt. of India | Silver Medal for promoting the Spit Free India Movement during COVID 19 pandemic | 2021 |
13 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | Vanlok, Bengaluru | Certificate of Honour for significant contribution in making largest number of Turmeric Ganesha idols for Guinness World Record | 2023 |
14 | Dr. Ramesh Rathod | The Movement India | Certificate of Honour for hosting Walk for Freedom in India | 2023 |
15 | Dr. Venkatesh L | ICAAAS-National | Excellence in Teaching award | 2016-17 |
16 | Dr. Venkatesh L | National Level – Society for scientific development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut (U.P) | Young scientist award | 2021-22 |
17 | Dr. Venkatesh L | National – UAS, Raichur | Best poster presentation award | 2021-22 |
18 | Dr. Venkatesh L | University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad | Incentive Award | 2022-23 |
19 | Dr. Jagadish M. R | European Union | Awarded Erasmus+ Programme fellowship 2019 to participate AdapNET workshop on climate smart agriculture in Italy & Greece. | 2019-20 |
20 | Dr. Jagadish M. R | ICAR-NAHEP | Awarded ICAR-NAHEP – IDP fellowship | 2023 |
Milestones of the Department:
- Department of Silviculture came into existence in the year 1997
- 1997 started to offer M.Sc. (Forestry) programme in Silviculture and Agroforestry.
- Established Bamboo clonal orchard during 2002
- Constructed PG class rooms in the department (2nd floor)-2005
- Dept. of Agroforestry merged with Dept. Silviculture and named as Dept. of Silviculture and Agroforestry during 2008.
- Started to offer M.Sc. Forestry programme in Plantation Technology during 2009
- Establishment of Polyhouse / glass house facility during 2009 for production of quality planting material of important tree species
- Establishment smart class rooms during 2015
- PhD programme in Silviculture and Agroforestry was started during 2015
- Establishment of Hi-tech nursery for production of quality planting material funded by ICAR during 2018-19
Photographs to be included: (With captions)
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UG Classroom | PG Classroom |
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PhD Smart classroom | UG Laboratory |
Forestry nursery structures |

Hi-tech Nursery structure