There are three modern hostel buildings having 76 rooms, which accommodate 210 boys. There is a separate hostel building for girls accommodating 80 students. All rooms in the hostels are furnished with cots, study tables, and storage cupboards, etc., Separate dining halls with modern cooking facilities are provided for both girls and boys. In every room, three UG students are accommodated. In the case of PG (M.Sc.), two students per room are accommodated. Every Ph.D. student who resides in the hostel gets a single-room accommodation. TV hall and reading room facilities are created in all the hostels. Students are provided with solar and electric hot water facilities. Water cooler cum Purifier systems and UPS systems have been provided in all the hostel blocks. The hostel is provided with a Wi-Fi facility for students. Solar lights and heating are in place. The annual maintenance of all equipment is done. Regular painting is done to the hostel mess. Regular computer maintenance is undertaken. The Hostel Management Committee supervises the hostel assets regularly and their maintenance. The hostel Supervisory committee takes stock of the work to be done on a regular basis. The caretaker looks after the routine works of the hostel, storing and disposal of the unserviceable materials of the hostel. Yearly auditing of the Hostel accounts is done.
SN | Name of the hostel block | Capacity | UG/PG |
1 | Vanashree | 80 | UG |
2 | Prakruthi | 80 | UG |
3 | Sahyadri | 48 | PG |
4 | Nisarga | 80 | Girls’ hostel |
Chief Wardens:
Dr. Venkatesh L, Mob. 9482023466 Email:
Dr. Yashaswini Sharma, Mob: 9535228694 Email:
Dr. Deepthi, Mob: 9481412101 Email: